Nutrition Archivi | Real Way of Life


The way we eat and our relationship with food can be very telling about us. There are many interesting factors at play:  Reward and pleasure,Stress management,The ability to self-regulate,Flavour perception and interoceptive processes,Thoughts and emotion neurobiology, And more.  There are complex dynamics on different levels too:  We have contextual expectations,...

FOREWORD Traumas, as well as prolonged stress and affective deprivation, leave a sign. It is not just words, it is the truth. We often refer to “emotional scars", something that is able to change the way we behave, changing our way of thinking, interacting with other people and...

8 easy tips to learn how to drink more and more!   Our body is made up by two thirds of water and every single day we lose about 1.5 liters of water trough urine, skin, lungs and intestines. In order that the body can function well...

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