Traumas Archivi | Real Way of Life


Psychosomatic Stretching is focused on the ability to relax and extend our contracted muscles after chronic stress, hyper-adaptation processes, traumatic events or other mind-body processes that have become dysfunctional. These exercises are called 'Psychosomatic Stretching', but the name can be deceiving: muscle extension represents only the...

5 minutes twice a day for 3 weeks: this was the commitment requested of participants in the study. We were thus able to analyse the changes and benefits produced by a minimal application of one of the Integrative Sciences’ basic techniques, the Cross Cycles Breathing...

FOREWORD Traumas, as well as prolonged stress and affective deprivation, leave a sign. It is not just words, it is the truth. We often refer to “emotional scars", something that is able to change the way we behave, changing our way of thinking, interacting with other people and...

Our previous article about the effects of traumas (in its broader term), stress and affective deprivations on an epigenetic, emotional, brainy level and other structures and functions had a great success. We knew we were touching a very interesting and very discussed topic, but we did not expecting such a great response. We...

Within this article we’ve gathered a series of videos that appear disconnected, but that are actually linked by a single common objective: [vc_separator type='transparent' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down=''] that of providing practical tools, suggestions for real-life application and new ideas to drive CHANGE processes, both in...

In these 4 videos, Fabio Sinibaldi shares precious information on mind and body, paying particular attention to the relative practical implications for the professionals in the change, emotion, health and development fields. [vc_separator type='transparent' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='' down=''] We have selected here the videos that cover the...

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