07 Feb UPDATE|Discover the pixels: short practical-tip videos to change
Article updated, watch all the videos below.
Our ‘pixels’ are a series of short videos (2 to 4 minutes) on a specific subject containing something to think about and/or a practical tip to try out immediately to favour change, health and well-being.
We’ve called these videos “pixels” like the dots that a computer image is composed of (or the tassels a mosaic was made of), because they are small, independent but part of a bigger and more important picture.
You can paint an entire picture one pixel at a time and this is the same process for achieving change- one step at a time!
⇒ The new 3 Pixels focus mainly on Mental, Communicative and Interpersonal aspects.
⇒ The first 4 Pixels focus mainly on Mind-Body connection, Experiential Change and Awareness aspects.
All the videos are ready to be watched below in this article or in their playlist on our YouTube channel (in this latter case, remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel!).
2) The NEW series titles:
- Are you INTERESTING or BORING? 4 steps to LIVING and TELLING interesting stories
- Do you know HOW TO USE “shifted pauses”? How to PLAY with your and your listener’s MIND
- Erase JUDGEMENT. A simple narrative ploy
1) The FIRST series titles:
- SHOULDER rotation to fight STRESS and ANXIETY
- LEG bending to increase the FEELING of physical and mental SAFETY
- GOOD OR BAD FOR YOU? How to figure out who’s right and what to do
Many more pixels coming soon covering all aspects relating to change, development, self-care and health from an integrated and systemic perspective!
1) Are you INTERESTING or BORING? 4 steps to LIVING and TELLING interesting stories
2) Do you know HOW TO USE “shifted pauses”? How to PLAY with your and your listener’s MIND
3) Erase JUDGEMENT. A simple narrative ploy
1) SHOULDER rotation to fight STRESS and ANXIETY
2) LEG bending to increase the FEELING of physical and mental SAFETY
3) GOOD OR BAD FOR YOU? How to figure out who’s right and what to do
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